Tuesday, March 5, 2013

She parallel parked a truck in the snow

Due to logistics beyond our control, Teen Girl got permission to drive the Dodge pickup (formerly owned by my brother) to school today. In the snow. And she parallel parked it. In the snow. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, but I think she's official Midwestern now. Or perhaps a dual citizen.

It happened like this.

Teen Girl works in the principal's office first period and thus hears all the secretary gossip. (I have a previous post on this somewhere in the blogosphere.) Today's gossip was that the substitute teachers had nowhere to park because too many students had parked in the teachers' lot. Probably because it was crappy weather (hello March, crappy weather is supposed to be over and out by now) and so there was no where else to park. Uh oh, that's where Teen Girl parked.

The secretaries called the police.

The designated policeman arrived.

The policeman  complained he's sick of writing tickets that people make him rip up. (He's got his problems too.) Today, there will be no ripping up of tickets. The officer of the law headed out to write the tickets. All this overheard by the student worker, aka Teen Girl.

"I have to go to the bathroom," said Teen Girl to her supervisors, knowing that the Dodge pickup she parked was about to get a ticket. Worse yet, knowing that she'd have to explain it to her father. (Play the Psycho shower scene music in your head starting now.) She was mortified at the possibility of presenting a $30 ticket to Bob, and the lecture about responsibility that would ensue. She quickly exited the den of gossip on the pretense of bladder control and headed straight out to repark the Dodge. No, she didn't merely "head out," she ran. That girl literally sprinted through the school's hallways and sidewalks and parking lots and snowbanks and past the police officer who was writing tickets just three vehicles away from the Dodge.

(Continue with high pitched crazy music in your head.)

She didn't even look at the police officer but went straight for the Dodge, started it up, backed out, and drove away in the knick of time. Then she found another spot, not in the teachers' parking lot, and parallel parked that truck. (In my family you don't call pickup "trucks" because we are a family of 18-wheel semi drivers and those things are trucks. But for purposes of impact, I'm calling it a truck here.)

Teen Girl successfully parallel parked the truck in the snow.

And arrived three minutes late for her next class. And was able to text a friend to warn her about the tickets.

The girl told me this story as we were buying shampoos and such for her competative cheer trip to Florida. Be impressed, yes. Feel sorry, no. Teen Girl is going to be quite alright. That girl can problem solve and she's headed to the sunshine.

Thanks so much for coming over to my blog! I hope you are all surviving this positively dreadful weather.

With love from yours truly,

Natural Born Bleeding Heart

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