Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Pastor's Wife

Grateful to Living Lutheran for the opportunity to post this short reflection on being a pastor's wife:

In seminary, circa 2006, they offered a workshop for spouses of ordination-bound students on the topic of being a pastor’s spouse. I myself was the wife of presumed future pastor but did not attend the seminar because what was there to learn? I felt liberated from the traditional label “the pastor’s wife.” Plus I was a working mother and wouldn’t have time to be pushed into a corner of expectations. I barely had time to brush my teeth.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

On Waitressing at 25 – Employment Dos and Don’ts

When I was 25 years old, I had a BA in Political Science and Criminal Justice, an MA in Secondary Education, and a student loan debt that could finance a midsize luxury car. My ambition was to teach high school social studies.
Instead I was waitressing.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ye Olde Horse House - The Teenagers

In the spirit of writing what you know, writing what bugs you, and writing for the pure sake of writing, I am starting a new series on our house -- Ye Olde Horse House, aka YOHH. Ye, for the ring. Olde as a way to emphasize old. Horse to bring up its history as an old horse ranch house. And house as in home, home wrecker, money pit, glad-we're-not-homeless, the place we live, shelter, needs-lots-of-work, and such.


Today we start with The Teenager chapter. Ye Olde Horse House currently has two teenager hotspots:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Cooking Wounded

Grateful for the opportunity to write about my incredible cooking team, including our strong man, Bill Ross, in Living Lutheran: 
If you saw Bill Ross today, you’d never know his body had been crushed in a truck accident. He had a broken hip, broken wrist, three broken ribs, and two legs broken in five places. Plus a collapsed lung and concussion. Serious blows to bone and flesh.